Functional Medicine Health Coaching

If you are a woman who is stressed, tired, or gaining weight and have tried ALL of the diets, intense exercise plans, shakes, herbs, medications, and nothing seems to budge - this is the place for you. Holly Parker Health believes that there is way to more to healthy living than always chasing the next fad diet or rigorous exercise regimen. We also know that there is often a gap between what you know you need to do to be healthy and then actually making healthy, sustainable changes. We help fill that gap.

We have recently transitioned Holly Parker Health from to focus primarily on our signature program, The HPH Metabolic & Lifestyle Reset. This 10-week transformational program for women is unique in that it is a hybrid program, providing you with both individual sessions along with community support. This is not just another program that sounds amazing so you sign up, just to quickly realize that you are expected to figure out everything on your own from there! You know, the “just read through modules 1-30 and your life will be changed!” programs. This is NOT that at all.

In the 1-1 sessions, we will seek to identify WHY you are feeling the way you do in the first place, as well as provide personalized support toward meeting your health and wellness goals. In addition, you will become a part of a community of like-minded, like-hearted women with similar goals. This is what will ensure that you stay empowered, supported, and held accountable - all of which are necessary in creating long-lasting change.

The power of combining personalized support with community support when it comes to health transformations is profound. 

The HPH Metabolic & Lifestyle Reset Can Help You Repair & Optimize:

  • Metabolism

  • Metabolic Issues

  • Weight

  • Hormone Balance

  • Mood

  • Autoimmune Issues

  • Blood Sugar Balance

  • Energy

  • Digestion

  • Inflammation

  • Sleep

  • Reducing Your Toxic Burden

  • Immunity

  • Your Vitality


Our mission is to bring hope, health, and healing to women willing to take charge of their vitality.